Tuesday, 24 March 2015

6 Motives to Take Up Rowing

With Row House in New York City, iRow in L.A., and Shockwave rowing classes at Equinox gyms nationwide, rowing is officially a thing. Not quite ready to give it a go? Here are six reasons that you should try a class today.

1. Rowing can help with posture

"You're pulling the handle back against resistance and weight, which forces you to open up your shoulders and chest, and to use the muscles in your shoulders and back," explains Childs. In time, this can improve overall posture and help you stand taller.

2. Rowing can burn around 800 calories in one hour

Comparable to any other workout of the same amount of time, rowing burns the most because it's a total body workout," says Arielle Childs, Concept 2 certified trainer,

3. Rowing carves your abs in a way other machines can't.

Forget sit-ups! Each time you catch, or begin your rowing stroke, you contract your abdomen to help you complete the movement. "If you're using correct form, you're stabilizing your whole midsection," says Childs.

4. Rowing works muscles ignored by other forms of Cardio

"Rowing is 30 percent core, 10 percent upper body and arms, and the rest is legs," says Childs. Get the most out of your core and upper body with the right form: Start with the "catch," which begins the stroke.

5. It's low impact.

Rowing doesn't put any extra pounding on your body. The whole workout is extremely low impact, making it a great way to stay fit if you're, say, experiencing a running injury.

6. It's a stretch for your back.

"As you pull back as far as possible, you're stretching your back and hamstrings," says Childs. Over time, you may find that you're able to stretch even farther without pain or pulling muscles.

Resource - fitnessmagazine