Friday, 8 May 2015

Cure Anxiety Yoga Poses: Top 8 Yoga Poses to Tackle Anxiety

Anxiety – a precursor to stress! Indeed! Every moment of our life is filled with countless, unexpected moments. Your body, mind and spirit share a very deep and intense relation; the slightest scratch on any one of the elements could leave the other two shattered. Yoga lets you indulge in gentle stretches that allow you to create a harmonious relation among all the three elements, thus keeping anxiety and stress at bay.

Here are few such yoga poses that are easy to practice, and could rescue you from anxiety and panic attacks

1. Sukhasana – Easy Pose

A great hip and spine strengthening pose, it corrects your posture. It amplifies the tranquility and peace, eliminating physical and psychological anxiety and stress completely.

2. Matsyasana – Fish Pose

This is also a kind of inversion that allows better flow of blood to your brain, beating mood disorders and associated anxiety issues.

3. Padahastasana – Standing Forward Bend Pose

Release the tension you experience in your shoulders, neck, and back with this mild forward bend-cum gentle inversion pose. The blood flow to the brain improves, unclogging the otherwise clogged mind.

4. Tadasana – Mountain Pose

This basic pose allows you to create awareness about your body and the way you breathe. Also, your blood circulation gets a surge. An energy boosting asana, it renders the energy levels you need to start a stress-free routine.

5. Adhomukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose

This pose comes with a multitude of benefits. Be it for tummy toning or just to wind up from an anxious moment, this pose offers it all.

6. Balasana – Child’s Pose

A completely relaxing pose, it is also a gentle forward bend that allows better flow of blood to the brain. It is a relaxation pose that you can practice in between challenging poses.

7. Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bend

Unwind your distracted mind with this basic, yet tough yoga pose. Along with de-stressing, it also gives your back a good stretch while massaging your abs. It improves digestion, eases PMS, and strengthens the kidneys, uterus, and ovaries.

8. Sethubhandasana – Bridge Pose

Relax and unwind your back and chest while de-stressing your brain with this simple yoga pose.

Source - stylecraze

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